Australian Seashores

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Australian Seashores

All species and photographs in this book have, where possible, been included as they can be seen by a walk on the beach at the right tide.

You will see varied examples according to where you are, your luck and the age of the dead ones washed up. Should you discover examples that you can't find in here then use the similar ones to lead you to the appropriate guides listed in the Bibliography.
In this book we travel to accessible sites and identify the most commonly seen. Just as you develop knowledge and respect for Australian shores, you can add our shores to your friendship list.
484 pages
Lavishly illustrated with more than 550 colour photographs on gloss paper throughout
Perfect bound A5


For student, beachcomber or child
Unique species finder
In the footsteps of Bennett and Dakin
With Bibliography and index
PURCHASE: $59:95

Hermit Crabs
Mollusc - Octopus
Birds - Pelican